In a Sebring news article dated October 12, 1981, the groundbreaking for the Spring Lake United Methodist Church was announced. The story describes how a Lillian Palmer told people at the consecration of the grounds how she and her late husband, Duane Palmer, came to Spring Lake in 1930 from New York. They farmed over 1,000 acres, which eventually became our Spring Lake community. The Rev. Perry James held the official groundbreaking ceremonies and Lakeland District Superintendent Dr. Jimmy Jones led a host of dignitaries from the area. Jones officially constituted the church on Easer Sunday of 1981 after it was organized by a Planning Committee, which, the article stated, included Mr. And Mrs. Reed McLean Jr., Dr. Odell Miley, Freda Hawkins, and others.
Foster Alter was the administrative Board chairman; Jim Zimmerman headed the building committee; and Clayton Hall was the finance chairman. The congregation raised the money to construct a chapel with a multipurpose room on acres bought in 1979.
In another article dated February 10, 1982, the newspaper noted the church had experienced a steady growth in interest and cooperation of members and friends. A Bible study groups was meeting with Clayton Hall as one of the teachers. Mrs. John Gill as president was leading an active Women’s group. Howard Pike was president of the men’s organization.